Welcome Guest!
This is your new Apache Tomcat Website CapacityPlannerProxy

Getting Started

What is included in my new Tomcat website? If you want to jumpstart your workspace you can cut and paste the following commands:
mkdir -p /workplace/Guest/CapacityPlannerProxy
brazil ws --create --root /workplace/Guest/CapacityPlannerProxy --name Guest-CapacityPlannerProxy
cd /workplace/Guest/CapacityPlannerProxy
brazil ws --use --package CapacityPlannerProxyWebsiteContent --branch mainline
brazil ws --attachEnvironment --alias CapacityPlannerProxy

To build and release changes:
Octane projects are built through Version Sets and deployed through Version Filters.
  1. Build changes into your version set.
  2. Deploy your version filter.

Your Website's Packages

This package contains the root webapp and Tomcat platform for your website


Documentation Other questions? Please file a issue with the Octane Team if you have any questions or run into any problems.